Martes, Marso 5, 2019

DAR-Mimaropa launches CLAAP for Tablas Island today

DAR Mimaropa Regional Director Eugene Follante says the Department is strengthening ARBs through training and provision of machineries. 

The Department of Agrarian Reform will launch this afternoon CLAAP (Convergenge on Livelihood Assistance for Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Project) for Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) in Tablas Island.

The project is set to benefit 283 ARBs in 13 ARB Organizations (ARBOs) in the towns of Odiongan, San Agustin, San Andres, Ferrol, Sta. Fe, Alcantara, Looc and Santa Maria.

The Launching will be held at the Odiongan Covered Court, Odiongan, Romblon at 2 pm.

Under CLAAP, a project both supported and funded by DAR and the Department of Social Welfare and Development, ARBs will be provide with technical assistance in the form of training, coaching and mentoring on enterprise operation and management, enterprise-based organizing as well as capital seed funds for the establishment or expansion of  livelihood projects and microenterprises.

The ultimate goal of CLAAP is to improve house hold incomes of poor or near poor ARBs by 15 percent in 5 years after the completion of the project.

Joining the launching are DAR Undersecretary Karl S. Bello and DAR Mimaropa Regional Director Eugene P. Follante.#

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