Huwebes, Pebrero 11, 2016

GRP-MILF Joint Statement

The two-day Special Meeting of the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Peace Panels concluded on today, 11 February 2016, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The Parties expressed their disappointment over the non-passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law. They reaffirmed their commitment to the peace process, and to preserve the gains of more than 17 years of negotiations and the implementation of the CAB, believing that it continues to provide a viable roadmap and comprehensive approach towards resolving armed conflict in Mindanao.

The Parties recognize that the non-passage of the BBL has adversely affected the timeline of establishing the Bangsamoro entity. They agreed that the means forward is the early passage of this legislation in the next Administration and Congress, which is a requirement for implementation of significant aspects of the CAB including the decommissioning of MILF weapons and combatants. Towards this end, the Parties shall exert further efforts to promote understanding and greater acceptability of the proposed basic law.

The two Parties reaffirmed their commitment to stay the course of peace. They shall sustain the existing peace infrastructure. This infrastructure is fundamental in keeping the peace on the ground and supporting the implementation of the CAB. It is important that it remains functional for the next administration to carry forward the implementation of the agreements.

As part of ensuring the long-standing ceasefire between the Government and the MILF, the Parties agreed to renew the mandate of the Ad Hoc Joint Action Group until 31 March 2017. This mechanism has proven time and again its importance in isolating and interdicting criminal syndicates/kidnap-for-ransom groups and terrorist groups operating in Mindanao.

Similarly, the Parties thanked the International Monitoring Team for the effective monitoring of the implementation of cessation of hostilities between the GPH and MILF forces and agreed to renew its mandate until March 2017.

The Parties received the Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Commission’s report and thanked its members for their hard work. A discussion on operationalizing the report’s recommendations is ongoing.

The Parties signed the Terms of Reference for the Joint Task Forces on Camps Transformation. The Parties also agreed to create a working group to recommend to the Panels a set of interventions for vulnerable sectors, including widows, orphans, people with disabilities, detainees and their families.

The Parties discussed the updates provided by the Third Party Monitoring Team and the Independent Decommissioning Body.

The Parties also agreed that the socio-economic package for the initial 145 decommissioned MILF combatants should continue. Meanwhile, the Parties discussed the security and storage of the turned-over weapons.

The Parties expressed their condolences to the family of MILF peace panel member Atty. Lanang Ali, Sr., who passed away on 10 February 2016. Atty. Lanang was the chair of the Technical Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities and appointed as member of the MILF peace panel in 2001.

The Parties expressed their appreciation to His Excellency President Benigno Simeon Aquino III, under whose guidance and leadership, the peace agreements were signed; to His Excellency Malaysian Prime Minister Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak for his continued support to the Bangsamoro Peace Process; and to the members of the MILF Central Committee headed by Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim for their resolve to pursue the path to peace despite challenges.

For their continued support to the Bangsamoro peace process and presence in this particular panel meeting, the Parties also extend their gratitude to: European Union Ambassador (EU) Franz Jessen; the Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) headed by its chair Mô Bleeker; the Independent Decommissioning Body (IDB) led by its chair Mustafa Pulat; and Third Party Monitoring Team (TPMT) headed by its chair Alistair MacDonald. Through their assistance and faith, the Bangsamoro peace process remains intact and strong.

The Parties also extend their gratitude to Tengku Dato’ Ab Ghafar Tengku Mohamed as the third-party facilitator from Malaysia and to those members of the International Contact Group who were present at the talks, namely Japan, Republic of Turkey, United Kingdom, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Conciliation Resources and the Community of Saint’Egidio.  In particular, the Parties are deeply grateful to the outgoing UK representative to the ICG Mr. Thomas Phipps, for his invaluable contribution to the Bangsamoro peace process.

Done this 11th day of February 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

For the GPH

GPH Panel Chair

For the MILF

MILF Panel Chair


Malaysian Facilitator

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